Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility

I've decided to try something new here. In this blogpost I am going to discuss a book that have I read a while back and I quite liked it. Those among you who enjoy reading will hopefully also enjoy reading this. :) The book is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.

First of all, here is a thorough summary of the novel. This summary pretty much gives it all away, so spoiler alert! Since it's quite long, I'm not going to post it all here, at the bottom you will find a link that will take you to the complete summary, and a discussion of the theme.

Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood live at Norland with their three daughters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret. Mr. Dashwood also has a son – John Dashwood – from his first marriage. When Mr. Dashwood passes away, the estate is inherited by John Dashwood. On his deathbed, Mr. Dashwood asks his son to take care of his wife and daughters, but John Dashwood’s wife, Fanny Dashwood, convinces him that he isn’t obligated to give them anything. They soon move into Norland.

Elinor, the eldest daughter, seems to be getting along quite well with Edward Ferrars, Fanny’s brother, but Fanny doesn’t want the two to get married. Mrs. Dashwood is offered a new affordable home by her cousin Sir John Middleton on his estate and decides to take it.

There, they are warmly welcomed by Sir John Middleton and often dine with him in his house at Barton Park. They also meet the 35-year-old Colonel Brandon, who soon appears to be attracted to Marianne. She, however, doesn’t feel the same way.

When Marianne slips when she was out for a walk, the handsome John Willoughby comes to her rescue, who is visiting his rich aunt. Marianne and Willoughby get along really well, which makes Mrs. Dashwood and Elinor expect they are secretly engaged. After a while, Willoughby declares that he has to go to London for business and might stay away for a long time. Marianne is devastated by this announcement.

Shortly after Willoughby’s departure, Edward Ferrars arrives at their house, but seems unhappy which makes Elinor believe he doesn’t love her anymore.

Cousins of Lady Middleton, Anne and Lucy Steele also visit Barton Park. When Sir John informs Lucy about Elinor’s attachment to Edward, she claims she has secretly been engaged with Edward for 4 years. At first, Elinor was angry with Edward, but then she realized he was still very young at the time. Elinor hoped he had made a mistake and doesn’t love Lucy anymore.

Elinor and Marianne are then invited by Mrs. Jennings, Sir John Middleton’s mother-in-law, to accompany her to London and spend the winter there. Marianne hopes to see Willoughby and is therefore delighted by this offer. Willoughby, however, doesn’t answer any of her letters. She soon finds out he was disinherited by his aunt because he is the father of Miss Williams’ illegitimate child. She’s the daughter of Colonel Williams. That’s why he is now engaged to the wealthy Miss Grey.

If you want to know more, continue reading here. Feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you think. ;)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Winter Wonderland

This blog post is for all those who have never seen snow, especially for my friend Balqis. It might be freakishly cold right now, the snow makes it all worth while. :)

Here are some pictures I took from my garden:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

O Inspiration, Where Art Thou?

Lately I've been having a hard time finding the time to write on my blog. And even when I have the time, I usually don't know what to talk about anymore. I guess I'm feeling a little uninspired because I'm getting the feeling that nobody even reads this anymore... I used to get at least 1 comment on my posts, and I loved that. But if I'm not getting any responses or feedback, what's the use of continueing? Perhaps it's also a bit my fault, because I'm not that interactive anymore when it comes to visiting other blogs. I used to respond to a lot of posts on different blogs, but lately I haven't done that anymore. I will take this up again, and hopefully I will get some more visitors that actually read this blog.

So if you are reading this, please do respond. If you have a blog, do you ever get bored with writing on it? Or do you sometimes lack the inspiration to post something new? Please let me know. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sorry Sorry Sorry

I am so sorry for not posting anything in such a long time! I have been really focussing on earning some extra money online. I received my first payment by Triond last month, which was great. :) I also got $5 from ToneADay.

So are you into online earning? If so, what are your favourite websites for doing this?

The other day I was looking at funny clips at youtube, and I discovered these hilarious animal clips:

I LOVE this kangaroo. ;D

That penguin is sooo awesome!

If you know any fun videos, feel free to comment on this post. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear

I find myself listening to this song all the time ever since I discovered it a while back. I was afraid I would get sick of it after a while, because that happens a lot when I keep listening to a new song over and over again (I have got to stop doing that!). You should really listen to it and tell me what you think. Oh and by the way, the video really creeps me out, so be aware of that. :D

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Articles

Hello everyone!

I've recently started writing articles on Triond because it's fun, I love to write, and I earn a little extra cash with it. You may have noticed the new gadget on the left side of my blog. There you can find my most recent articles. I would love it if you could have a look at them and tell me what you think by leaving a comment.

If you are on Triond, please let me know what your profile name is and I'll have a look at your articles!

If you want to join Triond, just click here.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Summer Songs

My summer songs

So I got bored this one time, and I made seasonrelated playlists to put on my mp3! In summer, I listen to my summer list. It mostly contains happy, cheerful and feel good songs with catchy tunes. :)

Here are my favourite ones:

Time Goes By - Air Traffic
Haiti - The Arcade Fire
Fluorescent Adolescent - The Arctic Monkeys
Mr Es Beautiful Blues - EELS
She Moves In Her Own Way - The Kooks
Catwalk - Girls In Hawaii
Estupendo - Arsenal
Fader - The Temper Trap
Holiday - Vampire Weekend
Time Won't Let Me Go - The Bravery
Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
Me Gustas Tu - Manu Chao
Dreaming Of You - The Coral
Every Day Should Be A Holiday - The Dandy Warhols
Yellow - Coldplay

And for the last one I have provided a clip so you can listen to it, don't forget to turn off my music player first and enjoy! :D

Feel free to share your favourite summer songs.

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm trying to get my blog verified on mylot, and therefore I have to put this link on my blog: myLot User Profile

Is anyone a member on mylot? I find it a great site for helpful information about internet problems and such. It's also fun to just discuss things. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Long time no see

It really has been forever since I made my last post. I apologize! But I have been very busy this summer. :)

I went to France, which was awesome! The weather was great. I'm not so fond of the weather right now, because I want sun!

How is your summer?

(Sorry for the short post, but I have to go again! :D)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

When I'm bored

This is so true! Graphjam is this site I visit when I'm bored, and I can actually relate to a lot of their ridiculously funny graphs.

Another hilarious site is People Of Walmart. I know it's wrong to laugh at people, but come on! Some of these people are really asking to be mocked. :D is pretty amusing as well. Something or someone is compared to something/someone else that totally looks like it (I guess the site name says it all...). Click here for a picture of a woman that looks waaaay too much like David Hasselhoff. (There's two of them. :O)

What funny sites do you like to visit when you're bored?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Caught In A Bad Romance

For some reason 'Bad Romance' has been in my head all day long! Damn you, Gaga... So don't worry, the title only refers to a song, my love life is just fine.

I'm sorry I haven't chosen the 15 bloggers I want to give the award to yet, but I've been quite busy with studying and all of that... I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you wait just a little while longer. Patience, my loves!

I just found out someone de-followed me. That's kind of sad, right? But whatever, I'm not going to let that bother me! I still have 7 awesome ones left. :)

I am loving this weather we're having! It's been so long since I have seen a cloudless sky for almost an entire week. Summer's almost here. I can feel it. Here are some pictures I took in my garden (I got bored):

That last one actually has an ant on it, which I didn't notice until just now.

(Please don't de-follow me.)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I just got my first award, which is pretty great! :D So this must mean people actually like reading this. Woohoo!

Thank you, Nandita, for giving me my very first award. I really like your blog, which kind of makes it even more special for me.

So this is what I'm supposed to:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

1. Done!
2. Hmmm 7 things. Let's see...
- I love chocolate and absolutely cannot live without it
- I have always enjoyed, still enjoy and will always enjoy watching disney movies
- I want to go to New Zealand some day
- This song always makes me smile
- I love being barefoot, though I also love shoes
- I hate my toes
- I'm shockingly bad at most sports
3. Okay, you're going to have to give me some time for that. :D This is quite difficult for me, so I'll do this in one of my next posts.
4. Will do after I've completed number 3 of course.

Thanks again for the award. I'm looking forward to giving it to other bloggers!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths." - Stephen Wright

It's been a while since my previous post, I'm sorry about that. I guess I'm just not always that inspired. I can't believe I already have 5 followers. I really thought nobody was ever going to read all my useless ramblings, I guess I was wrong! Long live my lovely followers. (Did anyone notice the beautiful alliteration I added there?)

I'm not actually following that many blogs so my question to you is if you know any fun blogs to visit? (I don't expect modesty, so feel free to give me your own blog. ;))

I've just added this quote of the day-thingie to my blog. All the more reason for you to visit it every single day! :D I'm hoping to get some witty quotes out of it, like the one in this title.

What is your favourite quote?

I also added this summer countdown-thingie! (Okay, so I went a little crazy on gadgets...) Only 38 days left. :) I'm a sucker for summer!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back to reality

You know those days when you have nothing to do, the weather is great and all you do all day is just relax (which in my case meant hanging out with the person I love)? I had one of those days yesterday and I really didn't want it to end. Now it's like back to reality! Back to school or work and all of that.

I guess I can't really complain though, there are a lot of people who have it worse! So let's look on the bright side: It's a beautiful day and it's almost weekend.

Yesterday really seemed like a hot summer day. I can't wait for summer! The long nights, going to the beach, the beautiful sunsets, going for a walk without having to put on a sweater, barbecueing and festivals. What more can a person ask for?

This post turned out more optimistic than I expected! Writing seems to be cheering me up, I should definitely do this more often.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm Eva. I'm 18 years old, or young, whatever. :)

Things I love:
- The first snow
- Lasagna
- Summer
- Shopping
- Brunch
- The beach
- Hearing awesome songs you haven't heard in ages
- Making pancakes
- Watching Friends over and over again
- Instantly loving a new song and repeatedly listening to it
- Finding money in your pocket
- Flip flops
- Picknicks
- Barbecue

Things I hate:
- My hands getting all wrinkly when I take a bath
- Peaches
- Useless facebook updates posted by one person all day long
- Chronically mispelling
- Not being able to find something
- Butterflies
- Clowns
(The last two are actually things I'm afraid of)

Feel free to tell me what you like and dislike!